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Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Moment of Truth

It's deadline day for the President's healthcare website, which CNN called "problem-plagued." 

The website launched on October 1, and has certainly had its share of problems; user have experienced crashes, errors, and delay messages, only adding to the national frustration and confusion surrounding Obamacare, or the Affordable Healthcare Act. 

While many people are still rallying against changing healthcare in the U.S.--accusing Obamacare of being a threat to liberalism or predetermining it as a failure-- Pres. Obama said that expanding healthcare to millions is "going to be a legacy I am extraordinarily proud of."

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Making a Difference

What does it mean to be an online journalist making a difference these days, in the age of cat gifs and a plethora of 'Kimye' standing in for news on the world wide web? As a journalism student, I am usually told on a weekly basis that journalism is a "tough business" and it's "going to be hard to find a job out there." Yet, it seems to me that they are missing the very core of journalism: that as much as I would like to find a job from it, more than that I hope to make a difference. 

DailyNk, a defector website (which I first learned of here) run from North Korea, prides itself on being the kind of news outlet that is necessary, brave, and revolutionary; they merely call it "Brightening the future of North Korea." It is one of several defector run websites that get out news about one of the most protective of its information, not to mention oppressive, countries in the world. From articles about life in North Korea to the international affairs concerning the country, DailyNk is an example of why the importance of journalism rises beyond the level of available jobs. And at any rate, journalism and journalism jobs will never become extinct, as long as their is corruption, indifference, ignorance, and most importantly, bravery.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

"The First Pontifical Selfie"

CNN half-reports, half-gossips that newly-elected Pope Francis is "a different kind of pope"--one who is compassionate to all, even a disfigured man and juvenile delinquents, and takes selfies.

He's even changing atheists into believers, as seen on Twitter. 

Saturday, November 2, 2013

In Accordance With My Feminism Views

This is my Saturday night pregame jam.

Whoredom Boredom

I found a surprisingly insightful article on Gawker today entitled Bored of Whoredom. What now? Freelance writer Tawni Nadini Islam beautifully weaves together a memorable piece of prose encompassing the fears and desires of being a woman. The story opens as she and her boyfriend are going to bed; she is unable to sleep, wracked by thoughts of "past traumas, religious mores that never fit, old lovers I conjure up despite knowing better." She admits to "having those days when being a woman makes you feel like you’re the 'mule of the world.'" Her contemplative thought that follows suggests that sexual liberation is key to breaking free of being the world's mule, but yet contends that being a whore is 'boring.'

Being a whore is boring; but only because the word 'whore' conjures up images of girls whose clothing is minimal and lipstick is smeared as they attempt to pride themselves on being able to attract men into their beds. In my opinion, a whore has nothing to do with her sexual activity, but rather her own view of herself. Women who are happy, confident, and otherwise generally sane should not have to forgo mental health and peace, not to mention sexual desire, for the sake of letting men dictate their behaviors based on ancient patriarchal ideas that serve no one, not even the men who name us whores, deeming us meaningless somewhere between up and down, between the start and end of what was only supposed to be an enjoyable, judgement-free, equal ride. 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Legendary New York City Punk Dies

The New York Times reported that the front man of the Velvet Underground, legendary punk Lou Reed died Sunday. The Velvet Underground experienced commercial failure in the 1960s, but later grew a substantial cult following. Lou also had a successful solo career, and was known for his thoughtful and often melodic rock. His death is thought to be due to a liver transplant he received earlier this year. He was 71.

We'll miss you and your wild side, Lou. Hopefully the afterlife is only the beginning of a great adventure.